Ganesh Hospital is known for its patient centric approach and all our activities revolve around patient satisfaction. At Ganesh Hospital utmost care is taken for admitted patients and best efforts are put in by the staff to enable the patient to recover at the earliest under the expert care of the best of clinicians and the warmth of the professional nursing staff available round the clock.
Before Admission :-
- Kindly contact the admission counter and provide them with the details e.g. Date of Admission, Treating doctor, and Preference class of accommodation.
- Pre-Registration for Maternity cases is done at least 60 days before expected date of delivery.
- Planned Surgical/Maternity cases are required to pay deposit amount.
- On the date of admission an intimation call will be made and in case it is not received you are requested to confirm with the admission counter.
- Accommodation of your choice may not be available in such case all efforts will be made to facilitate you in another best available category.
- We accept cash/DD or debit cards/ Credit cards of all major banks.
- Reservation deposits are not transferable.
During Admission :-
- Patients are admitted either through doctor’s reference letter or CMO’s recommendation.
- The deposit amount has to be paid according to the rules, within 24 hrs in case of emergency. The amount will vary based on the type of accommodation.
After Admission :-
- The charge of the bed is billed at the end of each day. Check in time is flexible. Charges will be applicable.
- Day care Patient will be kept under observation for a maximum of 8 hrs, after which he will either be admitted as regular patient or discharged.
- Transfers of the class will be based on the availability only.
- When you move upgrade to a higher class the billing will be done as per the higher class from day one.
- In case of down grade to a lower class the billing from the day of transfer will be applicable as per the lower class subject to the approval of the management.
- In case shifting to ICU the room has to be vacated.
- Private/Semi Deluxe/Super deluxe/ may be allowed to retain the room subject to availability. The room can be urgently required in case of any admission required to be done.
The cut off time for transfer is 11 am. For each calendar day the highest room charge applicable between 11 am to 12 midnight will be billed after considering transfers, if any.