Best Multispeciality Hospital in Ghaziabad

Best Multispeciality Hospital in Ghaziabad

Best Multispeciality Hospital in Ghaziabad for the Best treatment You Need

Since its foundation on August 11, 1996, Ganesh Hospital has become the best multispeciality hospital in Ghaziabad in prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. As a leading hospital in Ghaziabad, we owe a great deal of our success to the hard work of our team of experts in IVF, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Nephrology, And Laparoscopic Micro Ent Surgery and Physiotherapy. A 24/7 pharmacy, ambulance service, and pathology and diagnostics facility are also available. The world is constantly discovering new ways to combat fetal diseases, and Ganesh Hospital has the ambition to be a leading institution in health care that can prevent, treat, rehabilitate, and lead improvements in various sectors.

Our Specialities

Emergency Care

The emergency room and trauma at Ganesh Hospital are among the best in the world. Our 24-hour one-stop unit offers the following services.

-Medical professionals and emergency nurses can treat extraordinarily ill or injured persons as long as ambulances are available. The triage area prioritizes treatment based on patient needs in a busy emergency room.

A three-bed resuscitation unit lets trained doctors treat life-threatening conditions.


The department's fully equipped non-invasive cardiology laboratory includes a treadmill (TMT) with telemetry, color Doppler, ECHO, Holter recorder analyzer, and other cardiac equipment. Here, patients undergo non-invasive evaluations by trained cardiology specialists.


Using cutting-edge technology and the expertise of top experts in the area, the department of our multispeciality hospital in Ghaziabad provides a full range of super-specialized services for detecting and treating gastrointestinal disorders. Utilizing the harmonic ultrasonic dissector, limited access surgery (such as HIATUS HERNIA, VENTRAL HERNIA BILIARY, and GI BYPASS & BOWL RESECTION), colonoscopy, and UGI endoscopy are all part of the advanced laparoscopic methods available for stomach disorders.

Asthma, Allergy & Pulmonology

Asthma, allergies, and any lung-related illness (TB, etc.) are all treated at GANESH HOSPITAL. For diagnostic purposes, bronchoscopy, pulmonary function tests, X-rays, and spiral CT are available.

General Surgery

To provide critical care to high-risk patients, the surgery department of our multispeciality hospital in Ghaziabad has well-established facilities that can perform a wide range of surgical procedures: emergency services and accidents (polytrauma). Surgical coverage for acute cases requiring immediate surgery is available 24 hours daily. A trauma team consisting of general surgeons, orthopedists, neurosurgeons, etc., swiftly handles all types of polytrauma patients. OT has state-of-the-art equipment like videography laparoscopes, fiberoptic light with compressors, and monitors.

Urology and Nephrology

In addition to diagnosing and treating kidney stone illnesses, incontinence, infertility, impotence, female urology, prostate surgery, and pediatriculogy, the urology department provides comprehensive urological treatments.

Kidney issues are the specialty of this division. The department has two state-of-the-art hemodialysis machines: one from Ferrisious and one from B-Broun and Toray. Two Fersenious RO (Reverse Osmosis) facilities are also available to meet the water requirements of dialysis patients.

Minimal Access Surgery

The senior laparoscopic surgeons, anesthetists, technicians, and nurses on the hospital's staff work together in perfect harmony. Rectopexy, benign liver lesions, appendicectomy, intestinal resections, hernia repairs, and laparoscopic cholecystectomy are among the procedures performed. The department of the best multispeciality hospital in Ghaziabad also conducts splenectomy and hiatus hernia repair, among other gynecological and urological treatments.

Neurology and Neurosurgery

Neurological, muscle, spinal cord, and brain illnesses are diagnosed and treated at the hospital. The top neurosurgery department does shunt surgery, brain tumor removal, and head and spinal cord injury treatment. Neurosurgery uses cutting-edge equipment for routine and emergency brain and spinal cord treatments.